Monday, August 15, 2011

What cleanser, toner, and moisturizer should I use?

I'm 15 & I have very few zits & I use Cetaphil cleanser, Dove Clarifying toner, & Aveeno SPF 15 Daily Moisturizer. I do this routine morning & night. I also use the moisturizer after I shower b/c my face dries out & I try to avoid that. I HAD JUST STARTED THE TONER & THE MOISTURIZER AM & PM 3 DAYS AGO. I HAVE BEEN USING CETAPHIL SINCE LATE-DECEMBER. I went to the Dermatologist because I was recently on Duac in the AM & Retin-A in the PM for a "mive breakout" that I got I think right after I turned 14 when I got more into Puberty & I never treated it because I didn't know it was bad but then I did in January of 07 & it cleared up all the zits but now I have very faded pimple marks & my Derm. said those would clear completely naturally before summer. Anyways, since I'm off the meds I'd like to know a good cleanser (not too harsh), toner (alcohol-free), & moisturizer I should use? I'd also like to know how I can prevent future zits? I eat very healthy too & I drink tons of water.

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