Monday, August 15, 2011

What exactly do i have to live for?

i have basically no family, no fiends, reasons to look at the brighter side. my parent have been dead for a long time from drinking, and other got shot in iraq. my family does not care for one another. we cant even get along well enough to have a family reunion ever ten years because we dont like to have to ask to have amulances an cops prepped and ready... my family is rude crude and a lot of alcohal, we are a family of party people we are not a workin funktioning people, we are conmen and killers, and drunks, i am different i have broken that on my part. i am honest, trusting, and i work, i got married and was cheated on by my wife with five guys in a week. had everything taken from me. friends and all. was accused of being a woman beater when i do not believe in abuse. i cant find loyalty, were is there honor in the world anymore? i cant find a job to keep my mind off my problems, i hate it when people chant religion at me because most are two faced they say one then they get in a squeez they freak just like veryone else. i have lost hope, my give a **** has broken. i have taken care of myself and other for many years. i love to see people smile. and have fun. but it is the past. i have done what i can to better the world. i have changed lifes for the better. i have no regrets. i spent most my young life in facilities because my mother was abusive and the state took me from her and couldn find a home for me. the many years of seeing others as miserable as me humbled me. i gave everything i had to others to brighten there day in turn brightened mine becasu ei did something to help someone. yet i never got anything in return. i am taken for granted. for instance. my ex wife left me in missouri 378 miles from the closest thing i saw as familiar. and i had five dollars on me. a man in a nice car asked me if he could have a dollar if i had one i said man hnestly my wife left me here 6 hours ago, i was wearing a tank top and jeans. its was 37 degrees outside we had just come from somewhere warmer by far we were ping through. i gave him a dollar told him hey man u can have a dollar my day down already i can make yoru a lil better. he said aww thanks man you know what man your a good guy im a bring you a jacket i see you cold. 2 hours later the man never cam eback. i felt like its just another thing. hour and a half after that a biker pin through gave me a cig and a sweat shirt just cause he said i looked cold... i was shivering because the store manager wouldnt let me come inside his store. i just dont see what i got gon for me im get kicked out my place in amonth for i cant find job no matter how hard i look... no girl wants a guy with no job and this many problems.. if i had a girl i think i could have reason to shut up and keep moving but they so hard to find the good ones.

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