Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it right that a single mother get paid more to perform less of the same job a single man is igned to do?

Listen I'm not trying to belittle women. I've just noticed a trend and I'm wondering if anyone else has caught on to it too. A lot of men are getting dogged by biased female authorities. Women have obtained their independence and are to be treated equally and fairly in the workplace. What about the men? Why are men expected to break their backs for less pay and then expected to spend their chump change catering to the whims of women for love and affection? Is it fair that a man is to work harder for less pay because he is a man? Is it fair that a man can't make enough money to pursue having a family or let alone to take care of his family? When both men and women are busting their es competing for the "All Mighty Dollar" who is looking out for the kids? You know the saying...You can't have your cake and eat it too? Well, someone please tell me how this is suppose to work for all of us.

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