Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trouble with Defragging

Sometimes when you get a message saying the program is in use by another program, you can use task manager (ctrl-shift-esc) to kill/end the process. Kill the defrag process and try running it again. If this doesn't work try booting into safe mode (press F8 immediately after booting the computer up) and then running defrag.

Should i shave my head for charity? (Im a 17 year old female)?

May God Truly Bless You! :) That being said, I think you have a heart of gold and the confidence to pull it off. You sound very smart for your age and seem like you want to actually make a difference in the world. I say go for it! Good luck!

Where does the term charlatan come from?

The first two posters are both correct, but the root goes back one more step. 'Ciarlatano' came from the Italian word "ciarratano", the seller of papal indulgences. In the 8th century the Catholic church hierarchy developed the doctrine called "Indulgences". In effect, sin would be forgiven by payment of money.

Who gives the good presents?

If we did Christmas, Santa sure as hell wouldn't be getting the credit for the good stuff...he'd be a coloring book, crayons, tiny cars, mittens, gloves, and socks kind of fellow.

Wiki-leaks is an irresponsible org.It is not run for the Nations good.?

Every National Government has to have Secrets under wraps ,because each Nation in today's world operates with their own set of Rules . The UNO has often proved to be impotent to deal with incidents that cause misery to peoples living in minority groups or voicing an private .Wiki-leaks seeks to undermine intelligence gatherers. They should be stopped and prosecuted for their activities.

Pickled Venison?

Dilled Doe? I have acquired a taste for this delicacy and would like to know who else enjoys the taste of a good dilled doe?

Wat is the most memorable thing u had in ur childhood that was affective to ur love of Egypt?

about myself is a fantastic one when i was 8 when my family and i went to kayetbay citadel and then to the aquariem it was the most wonderful day in my childhood that let my love to Egypt increase and be more and more wat about u come and share ur memorys

Follow this story as you see fit according to what the last person wrote?

I rose my sword as the ghastly beast slowly crept towards me. It took every ounce of energy to fight the fear that gnawed at my chest. As the monster bared its teeth to me, I could hear the lost souls of my companions calling to me. Begging for salvation......


You look really stylish yet cute. Bob's have that adorable-fashionable thing about them. I would suggest you wear it in these loose wavy curls on a daily basis, pin them on one side with some cute funky clips when you need your hair to be disciplined and when you're going out partying or maybe in a more formal setup, blow-dry them straight with the help of a paddle brush or maybe flat iron them.

Can getting your computer repaired get you in trouble?

If you have sketchy files . They aren't ographic pictures or anything, but I'm very nervous that many of my writings could be construed as being a willing participant in illicit activities, such as joining Nambla, plotting to overthrow Switzerland, and participating in . I kind of doubt that they do, but then again you never know.

What are some cute headings I could use for a wedding newsletter?

I want to make a wedding newsletter and I was tryin to use something cute like gazette, dispatch, journal, etc. Any help?

What are the values that create a "Total Outdoorsman"?

Ethics. Obeying game laws, limits, etc. goes without saying. But it goes further. A good sportsman won't do things like shoot turkeys out of trees, ducks off the water or shoot an animal in a fenced enclosure. An ethical hunter won't intentionally shoot an animal in the a$$ or other non-vital area to allow it to escape and die a slow death. One should also respect the land itself, leaving it just like he found it, not full of ATV ruts, garbage, fire remnants, etc.

Plumbers help required please ?

I dont consider myself a plumber by any stretch of the imagination but i do enjoy a bit of diy every now and then , i think i can put my hand to most household diy tasks , so my question is , my girlfriend wants me to fit a bath/shower mixer tap , in place of existing bath taps , i think i'll be ok fitting them to the pipes ok , with ( i guess ) , compression fittings and olives , etc ... , but wanted to know , as i want them deck mounted , are the spacings of the mixer tap holes going to be a standard size (width) uk ? , any help would be appreciated , thanks in advance ...


You should get at least 1 more corycat if not more because they are schooling fish so they should be in groups, of course only if you have room for them.

A question about a Janis Joplin song?

Theres a song I swear it was Ball & Chain in which Janis stops & talks about life.Something to the effect of " its just all one day man."Does anyone know what song & album its on? I have albums with Ball & Chain & not that version.

Can you guys give me some helpful advice to do with freinds?

HI,HEARD YOUR STORY..surely,you guys have to talk over this out..or how did you guys get to stay together in the same place without a common understanding ..don't create a fall-out on each other..just share out your feelings with them..let them know of your meals in canteen..if they don't hear you out..there other friends who would appreciate is all about happiness not sadness..

What dog breed is the best outdoors companion?

What breed would follow me around in the woods, not make too much noise, and not run after small animals or follow a scent without my permission? They also need to be able to behave in the house. I was thinking a german sheppard, and i'm pretty sure i am right, but i could use some advice just incase.

Need some help?

Has anyone done business with Deborah Walls, need to know if I can trust a loan from her. Would appreciate some feedback.

Another French Question?

The subject is plural so the verb must also be in the plural. I would phrase the sentence something like this ...Les romains, royaute with acute la revolution again with acute accent.on the e.. industrielle. ces tous ont forme again acute accent.. l'histoire de Greenwich ( Sorry I cannot do an acute accent on this keyboard )

Boy troubles! male or female can help!?

alright this might be long, well theres this boy in my area Chris and we hungout one night in my friends hottub, me chris chris's brother and my friend. I really liked him and I might have shown it a little. The next time i saw him my friend told me she had told him i liked him. I was kinda pissed but whatever. We hungout that night (a bunch of us) and he seemed pretty cool and talked to me a little. The next night we hungout again all of us and it was the same i guess, a little more talking and he sat next to me. I was talking to his brother and his brother asked me how much i liked him on scale of 1-10 i said 11, as a joke and he laughed and told me he would talk to chris about it. I was excited. The next day we saw him at the beach and he avoided me, his brother said he thinks im obsessed with him. I need to know what to do. please help me, what should i say to him? when? should i be embaressed? :( fml..

All Time Wrestling Question ?

Name The Top Ten Greatest Wrestlers That Never Won A World Title In The WWF/WWE , NWA/WCW , ECW, Or The AWA . You Can Pick Anybody From Any Year Now Or Then !!!

If Ichiro Suzuki retired today, would he make the Hall of Fame? 8 seasons, all 8 with 200+ hits, .300 + BA?

Two more seasons with comparable numbers and he is a lock for Cooperstown. It's my guess that he will end up as the only player in baseball history to be elected into two halls of fame, Cooperstown and in Japan.

Clinton supporters (and Obama supporters if you'd like), how do you feel about this?

If Obama loses Clinton will get some of the blame, and it will hurt her future political chances - whether she deserves it or not. Her best bet right now is to have him win and run again in 2016. I think that is why you see her supporting him (that, and she thinks he would be a better president than McCain)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What the hell is this crazy dream about?

I was in Mexico and homeless and I got into this program where they decided through testing that I should be a thoracic surgeon and I told everyone that made a lot of sense because at one time I was able to teach dogs how to get the newspapers out on time. Ahem.

Whats your take on the new "volunteer corps" supposedly approved by congress?

Personally, I think it's a good thing. I believe that this country should have some mandatory service, military or otherwise, for every citizen to complete before a certain age, like Israel. It would be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

3.8 V6 mustang 4.2 stroker.?

Alright I have a 2002 3.8 liter V6 mustang and my current plans are to stroke it to a 4.2 liter. I know this will not up the horsepower and torque a whole lot, but I am going to work off of the new 4.2 liter when done. Everybody talks about blowing the engine on a 3.8 when they supercharge or turbocharge them. So I will build up the engine to the 4.2 and make it less prone to blowing up before adding power upgrades. My questions is basically, what should I know and take into consideration beofore I begin doing this? I plan on doing all the work myself and I am leaning toward the crank,rods and pistons form an F150, NOT the whole kit because of the prices on some of them. Please no "buy a GT" comments... I wanted the V6, cheaper car, better on gas, and a built V6 can keep right up with the GTs cause I have seen it happen.

Diploma after degree?

Hi, I m diploma in ECE holder working in software company.some one suggest me to apply for AMIE.but date is already over to membership for june,09 exam. can any one suggest me other alternative to get degree qualification.

I don't know what to do, I'm confused?

Ryt, I don't no where to start, da last 2 relationships i had didnt last that long, the problem was they were just to defensive even when talkin to them, and they both had 1 child. But there al over. I went with this guy a few months ago before i knew he had a child, it was a just a casual kiss, and now hes txtin me and i know he wants to go wiv me. Heres the thing, a few weeks ago, he was touchin up one of me mates while i was there, (this is before he started txt me) my mate rejected him constantly, hes realli a nice guy barrr when he gets drink in him, i dont no what to do. I wnna go wiv and hes a real gentleman when hes not drinknin but i dont cuz of the kid, and flashbacks of the way he got on wiv my mate that nyt. HELP !!

Why can't some people except a new generation of music?

Now I was born in '94 and I grew up listening to Jay-Z,Mya,Diddy[Puff Daddy],Biggie,Tupac,Eminem to Backstreet Boys&NSYNC and Britney.Honestly I didn't judge it at all I loved every type of music except country. Now I'm into Drake, Lil Wayne, Jonas Brothers, Hey Monday, paramore, Miley, Demi, Trey Songz, Rihanna, Ke$ha, and The Black Keys. I feel like everytime I open my mouth and talk about the Jonas Brothers they'll just quickly say "Oh they SUCK"and "listen to some real music like Metalica & ACDC".I just have to wonder WHY?!To me all music is the same and it doesnt matter what they talk about as long as sounds come out sounds come out.Plus they don't wanna target themselves as "Disney kids" or think of themselves as teen idols.

What should I do about my insensitive boyfriend (5 months pregnant)?

Ignore it, guys will be guys. Once the baby comes he should change if he doesnt then dump him. This is why people shouldnt have babies out of wed lock, good luck.

Is caring for an angora rabbit much different from a romal rabbit?

I have a normal furred rabbt that I love- she lives a life akin to a cat's. I would like to gt a friend for her, and I think I'd like a rabbit that requires a little more care. I was thinking an angora. Is there care verydiffert than a normal rabbit? I know about biweekly blowing, but I do not wish to show, so I was thinking of keeping her coat about 2 inches long all the time. Also, I know about papaya tablets. Thanks!

How long to wait in between stretching for your ears?

I've had my ears pierced forever, and put in a 16 gauge yesterday, effortless and painless. When can I go down to a 14? Like I said, it was painless and was extremely easy.

Does anybody know somebody that wants to buy a 6 foot female columbian red tail boa?

I'd be interested. I have several large pythons. Don't mind adding a boa. How much are you looking to sell it for?

Fantastic Voyage by Issac Asimov?

If you have read the book could you give me a summary of the sub’s pathway through the human body. Include only the pertinent information pertaining to the human body and body systems. Thank you!

Do you still talk to your ex?

i still have phone conversation with my ex. we broke up 4yrs ago on good notes, but he talks to me as though he still likes me.he has a 1yr old baby now,but he still talks about likin me. i have a bf and i dont want to get back with my ex,should i stop talking to him. ps: he is overseas.

Are my seashells rotting?

I got a lot of seashells from the beach a couple days ago and I kept them in a jar with soap in it for it to just clean out the sand. And now, I look into the jar, and my seashells are opening with mushy looking stuff in it. Is it rotting? The water's all yellow and smells really, really bad.

Should i join a AAU team?

Yes it will I went to High School with a boy named Trevor Deloach and he played AAU and was on University of South Carolina basketball team...he is now working towards the NBA. You can look him up online he was one of the nation's top players our senior year...2007

De'Longhi Coffee Machine?

Yes you can use any kind of ground coffee you like. Check if it needs filter papers or whether it has a built in filter. De'Longhi are a good make of coffee machine I would imagine they would have supplied some papers to get your parents started with it.

What does my dream mean? I run a young woman over with my car, after I thought she would move out of the way?

The fact that the woman is your age, means she represents an aspect of yourself. The car represents your life. You are the driver, therefore, you are in charge of your life. The road is narrow means the path you're traveling in your real life is also narrow. But as the dream shows, it is too narrow, and you have killed off an aspect of yourself.

Did i freak out my female friend?

Hmm... I mean a hug is a hug ya know? I would understand if you straight out grabbed them with your hands, but you just hugged her. If she freaked out because of that then wow she must be super sensitive! I mean, what are you supposed to do? turn to the side so that won't touch? ha ha

I have been accepted to calpoly for fall. if i get a low gpa, but still a 2.0 or higher, can they reject me?

what i mean, is if i get just a 2.0 and fail a cl or something, can cal poly deny me admission based on this? or do i actually have to get lower than a 2.0 for them to rescind my admission?

How much should I charge for babysitting?

If you have all that and are 18. depending how long and how many kids. I would say yeah 10 dollars is great. Maybe even more. like 25.

What do you think of my little storys?

They are good. You have good description. If you developed them more they would be really good. You have good writing skills. Keep writing.

Oblivion pc :how do i put objects on a wrack i bought?

i bought a wrack for my home but i cant seem to put objects in it the object ends up on the floor next to the wrack.

Decoys in to Catch a Predator?

Don't you know laws only apply to normal people? Celebrities are better than us, so they can do whatever they like.

My grandma has burning sensation in her body, but freezing on outside?

My Grandma, age 75, has been experiencing a burning sensation inside her body, but is cold on the outside, for about 6 months. There is no pain involved or anything, it is just very unpleasant for her to feel hot on the inside all the time. The docters tell her its hormones or something and act like she's crazy. They tell her it could be anything but never have any conclusive answers. This is very frusterating for my Grandma. Please can anyone help her. It would be much appreciated.

Does anyone know the name of this iPhone game?

Ok, so I guess it's a little like Doodle Jump, I guess. You're this little blue blob creature, and you use accelerometer or touch control to move around on different platforms: one makes you bigger and slower and other one makes you smaller and move alot faster. There's fire at the bottom of the screen and spikes at the top, so you can't go too far up or down. It's been bothering me for so long. Thanks in advance!

Could anyone tell me if a 99 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 engine would fit in a 96 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Motorcycle?

I am looking to buy a 1996 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 motorcycle but the only problem is it needs a engine. I did find a 1999 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 engine. Will they fit together? Thank you in advance.

What does a pinhole camera do and what is it for mostly:S?

A pinhole camera does just what any other camera does. It records light coming in onto a film plane. Instead of a lens though, it uses a tiny hole, small enough to focus the light. Exposure time is long, so it's not for action shots. It's best for things like still life and landscapes. You can probably find instructions on the internet for making one. There are several ways to do it.

Could someone PLEASE help me with BIO?

How has c14 dating been used in determining the ages of relics such as at the ruins in pompei? Include any efeects the age has on the authenticity of the relic.

Is this an OK picture of this girl?

It is a wonderful image. As long as it is yours definitely use it. Clean it up a bit as it is a bit soft. But otherwise it is fine.

HELP! 96 VW Jetta GLS transmission issues!?

Okay so Id appreciate any help on this, We replaced the transmission only about a month ago. It started with very rough shifting then turned into very iratic shifting, took it back to the shop who did the work. They ran diag and said its elecrtical. SO we replaced the TCM, which took away the iratic shifting but only for about a week. We tried several other TCM's in the car with no luck. Now its lost third gear and overdrive. We took it to another shop to be run with the VAGCOM scanner and NO CODES in the ECM or TCM. The shop has drained the fluid and still no luck. ANY IDEA"S?????

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Can you help me out?

First of all, a little background information, I am 17 and single. About a week ago I was walking my dog when a girl ran into me (not literally). She was watching her brother play baseball and her dog started barking at mine so she came across the field with her dog to me. We talked for about an hour while the dogs played and then she left because baseball was over. I would like to start a friendship with this girl, hopefully turning into a relationship. However, I didn't really get any information from her. All I got was her name, brothers name, dogs name, where she was from and some random info. So my question is how do I go about doing this? Should I just walk my dog at the same field on the same day and hope to run into her again? I think it is a longshot of me ever talking to her again. By the odd chance that I do see her again how should I go about attempting to spark a friendship with her? Should I ask her for her phone number or her email address or Instant messaging? Thanks

Would this idea for a christmas card offend you if you were jewish?

Go with "Happy Holidays" instead. The more general, the better. Some Jewish people would be offended purely receiving a Christmas card because they do not celebrate Christmas. That's why "Happy Holidays" is best because it covers all the holidays without having to spell it out.

Pokemon pearl jirachi gamestop event 2-27-10 to 3-13-10?

ok i was at gamestop today and i pre ordered pokemon heartgold AND pokemon soul silver. as well as the stategy guide. i also got this one paper that shows me how to get jirachi. i did EXACTLY what it said. i used mystery gift. i went to receive gift and choose get via wireless and i chose yes. nothing happened. so i went back and i choose get via nintendo WFC and it worked and just as i was about to get my jirachi it said i got.............................a stupid pikachu-colored pichu. HOW DO I GET MY JIRACHI??????????? theres nothign wrong with my wifi plz help me!!!!!!!!!! pull stars to whom helps me out

Can somebody tell me why people my age listen to the musical equivalent of wet garbage?

i really agree with u mate! why do people scream in music! its just not appealing and shouldnt even be at all! i dunno why they like em! im 15 and i like bands that were just startin 2 get famous wen i didnt even exist! lol (eg acdc, deep purple, iron maiden)!

My boss told me that she better not catch me on yahoo answers again, should I listen to her?

First of all, she has no control over you going on Y!Answers on your PERSONAL computer. I doubt her punishment is real, which makes me question if this whole story is fiction or not. If this is real, then ignore her. Happy New Year.

Enlistment Ceremony for ADF?

I have just gotten my letter for my enlistment date for the Australian Defence Force, and I want to know is what they actually do at the ceremony? I heard I have to say an oath nothing much else. Thanks for your help.

The number of sunspots may affect the amount of volcanic activity on earth.?

If I found this question on a geology exam, I would answer false. The amount of force placed on a fault by sunspot activity would be hardly measurable. In fact it has only been shown recently that water behind a dam in China can effect earthquakes, and the effect is largely due to lubrication of the fault by water, not the added pressure of the water. The effect of a sunspot would be much less than the water behind a dam.

Where can i find a cubic zirconia (cz) sterling silver embraceable wedding band?

they are the kind of rings that wrap around your engagement ring i have a cz engagement ring (all we could afford right now) but i love the way those embraceable look i have seen them at the jewelry store and was hoping to find one that's in cubic zirconia that would be more affordable right now thanks for the help

Anyone with Cerebral Palsy experience more pain in the cold?

I am pretty sure this is common. I am not going to whine because my CP is probably as mild as it gets and I know so many people have it worse than me. I just noticed after I turned 19 it was like I started to fall apart. my L5 developed spodelothesis(sp?) and now my bones pop and crack all the time and I ache almost constantly is there anything may herbal or anything other than pain killers I can take or do to relieve the pain? I am also looking for a dr. in my area.

Don't you think it's cool how lobsters are cooked?

Don't you just love it when you see/enjoy placing live lobsters in scalding, hot water and seeing them twitch violently? To topp it off, the air escaping their shell make it seem like they are "crying." Lol, do you enjoy cooking, watching lobsters being cooked?

Hair stylist who does black hair in Colorado Springs?

I just moved to Fort Carson and I am looking for a GOOOOD hair stylist who uses an Affirm relaxer, does roller sets and dooby wraps very well, and cuts hair evenly.

Does Greenspan know that Fed's can't prevent recession because he was part of the creation of the plan?

I would think being in charge of the Federal Reserve and guiding the course of the Dollar over the last decade or so makes Greenspan an accomplice in this new stealing program. Why isn't this man arrested?

If Hell was real, why did the first comparatively complete systematic statement of...?

Christian doctrine ever given to the world by Clement of Alexandria, A.D. 180, contain the tenet of universal salvation?

Dead battery, I think i have a big problem?

Ok, so here's the deal. I put my car away for winter storage, and being an idiot, forgot to disconnect my battery. Connected to that battery, I have two 900 watt mono amps and in turn, a 5 farad cap. My battery is now stone dead, and the car will not stay running once the booster cables are removed. Now i realize this is because the cap is pulling any charge it can, trying to recharge. I obviously have to disconnect the cap to get the car going, but could my alternator have been affected? Or just the battery? And secondly, how do you charge a cap? My installer did it for me the first time and didn't think to tell me how, I need help, thanks.

Since Allegra is now OTC, has anyone heard if there will be a generic Allegra-D?

I'm allergic to... everything. And I love Allegra, but I need Allegra-D. I HATE that there isn't a generic option for this, but I'm hoping that now that Allegra is over-the-counter I might have some hope for a generic in the future! Maybe. Hopefully. Although I'm thinking they're probably not all that related. Darn "D."

HELPAny RAW feeders out there I have a question about vegetables?

When I puree my vegetables can I use canned veg. or do they always have to be fresh? Also, does kelp come in a can?

Is there a keystroke to advance to the next section in word 203?

I have a book with many sections and want to edit the titles of each section. However, I do not want to scroll through to get to the next section each time. Is there a keystroke to go to the beginning of the next section?

Can blisters get infected?

OK so i went rollerblading wiff my bestie and i got this blister its really gross bcz like its all red and owwie.

Rate my Fantasy Baseball Team?

I'm curious to know what position or order u were.Wat players were there when u chose ur first pick. I don't like ur first pick. Roy was to early u should of picked up a bat. James loney doesn't even get picked sometimes so u could of got give in ur last round. Same with Elvis Andrus. Alot of picks are bad!!! In a 12 team league ur are probably gonna finish 10-12. Overall grade D.

Life are you scared?

why is everyone so scared . is it me. is it my outlook. why do they jugge me? they dont even know me so.... i mean why is life good whats the point of lieving if no one likes you your mom + dad are dead and no one to watch you but you 18 year old sister. so i am only 13 what is going on ....iam scaed and lony the onl person that talks to me is my boyfrined dustin so......what would my sis do if she know that i cut my self??? what do you think she would do i mean i only wunt to be with my mom and dad!!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

What happened to Mich McConnell?

There is nothing to back-up this alleged event. No news outlet is reporting the same. This appears to be a hoax. Do you have a link to this alleged story?

What The Simpsons episode is this?

Im guessing its probably a treehouse of horror. I was watching the new 11 channel, and a simpsons ad came on showing all different episodes and stuff, One was where homer is in the bathroom i think he grows a tail and screams out DOH, but it turns into a wolf howl, is that episode out yet? if so what is it called, thanks

Do you think Vela is a cute name?

My friend named just named her baby daughter Vela. I love it, but i know its a really unique name so i was just curious as to what others think. So, do you like it? Be gentle :)

Built in wifi on a pc?

it means that she has a WIFI card that's installed in the comp. so in other words she would be able to connect to a network via wireless instead of a wired connection

What exactly do i have to live for?

i have basically no family, no fiends, reasons to look at the brighter side. my parent have been dead for a long time from drinking, and other got shot in iraq. my family does not care for one another. we cant even get along well enough to have a family reunion ever ten years because we dont like to have to ask to have amulances an cops prepped and ready... my family is rude crude and a lot of alcohal, we are a family of party people we are not a workin funktioning people, we are conmen and killers, and drunks, i am different i have broken that on my part. i am honest, trusting, and i work, i got married and was cheated on by my wife with five guys in a week. had everything taken from me. friends and all. was accused of being a woman beater when i do not believe in abuse. i cant find loyalty, were is there honor in the world anymore? i cant find a job to keep my mind off my problems, i hate it when people chant religion at me because most are two faced they say one then they get in a squeez they freak just like veryone else. i have lost hope, my give a **** has broken. i have taken care of myself and other for many years. i love to see people smile. and have fun. but it is the past. i have done what i can to better the world. i have changed lifes for the better. i have no regrets. i spent most my young life in facilities because my mother was abusive and the state took me from her and couldn find a home for me. the many years of seeing others as miserable as me humbled me. i gave everything i had to others to brighten there day in turn brightened mine becasu ei did something to help someone. yet i never got anything in return. i am taken for granted. for instance. my ex wife left me in missouri 378 miles from the closest thing i saw as familiar. and i had five dollars on me. a man in a nice car asked me if he could have a dollar if i had one i said man hnestly my wife left me here 6 hours ago, i was wearing a tank top and jeans. its was 37 degrees outside we had just come from somewhere warmer by far we were ping through. i gave him a dollar told him hey man u can have a dollar my day down already i can make yoru a lil better. he said aww thanks man you know what man your a good guy im a bring you a jacket i see you cold. 2 hours later the man never cam eback. i felt like its just another thing. hour and a half after that a biker pin through gave me a cig and a sweat shirt just cause he said i looked cold... i was shivering because the store manager wouldnt let me come inside his store. i just dont see what i got gon for me im get kicked out my place in amonth for i cant find job no matter how hard i look... no girl wants a guy with no job and this many problems.. if i had a girl i think i could have reason to shut up and keep moving but they so hard to find the good ones.

Trying to become an Air Traffic Controller need help?

Hey everyone, i have my CTO written but no CTO license and was told that if i can work or become some kind of intern at an non- FAA control tower, i would be able to get my license. any idea on how get an opportunity at a non- faa tower?

What cleanser, toner, and moisturizer should I use?

I'm 15 & I have very few zits & I use Cetaphil cleanser, Dove Clarifying toner, & Aveeno SPF 15 Daily Moisturizer. I do this routine morning & night. I also use the moisturizer after I shower b/c my face dries out & I try to avoid that. I HAD JUST STARTED THE TONER & THE MOISTURIZER AM & PM 3 DAYS AGO. I HAVE BEEN USING CETAPHIL SINCE LATE-DECEMBER. I went to the Dermatologist because I was recently on Duac in the AM & Retin-A in the PM for a "mive breakout" that I got I think right after I turned 14 when I got more into Puberty & I never treated it because I didn't know it was bad but then I did in January of 07 & it cleared up all the zits but now I have very faded pimple marks & my Derm. said those would clear completely naturally before summer. Anyways, since I'm off the meds I'd like to know a good cleanser (not too harsh), toner (alcohol-free), & moisturizer I should use? I'd also like to know how I can prevent future zits? I eat very healthy too & I drink tons of water.

Tell me if this paper is good.?

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Giving up is it the thing to do?

Do you ever feel like the world has turned it's back on you and no matter how hard you try you can't seem to make things better. Do you think I just need to give up everything that means anything to me and stop the fight? I really do need some advice on this. Why are people so thoughtless and mean to others? I really don't understand this and it can cause a person to just stop dead in their tracks and say is it worth going through all this pain and agony for something I have no control over. What should I do ? I know for a fact I'm not mental just hurt. How can people play with someones emotions and sleep good at night?

Do you think i'll gain weight ?? :(?

day before yesterday i had one chocolate pastry n a black forest pastry after lunch thn i diet coke...thn yesterday veg momos during dinner..n today ras malai (indian dessert) but m exercising for at least 30 minutes do uh think that i'll gain weight..?? :(

Is my betta fish okay?

I think it is a girl because she has shorter fins than the rest of them. She lays on her side... She isn't dead though, she just lays on her side in one corner... When I first got her she was kind of spastic and was moving normally. They're all fed every morning, and their tank is cleaned once a week.

Jehovahs Witnesses - FSR?

if u tell other religion as unbelivers than how dude ? how is only jehovah a belivers and other un believers? its ur religion and there's nothing to do it with others. do wat ever u like o ther religion will not distrube u boy.

How do i go about getting into bodyguarding or cpp work in australia.?

Ive been a doorman for the past 5 years and am looking to move forward into bodyguarding ... wat training and/or experience in other jobs do i need to get started

How do you know if she wants a hug?

i wastalking to the grl i like and at one point she metions on how she misses gettn hugs and all that stuff n i was like ???? in my head yea i know im clueless evrytime n then 2 min ped for sum weird reason i gave her a playfull punch like a soft one that dont hurt n she punchd me back with a cute smile n sum giggles i barely heard. n we kept talkn im gettn off topic yea uhh im done im shy by the way but i just get the urge to get my *** up n talk to her

Songs in the office??

what is the song that's playing in "phyllis' wedding" when pam sees jim dancing with karen? and what song is playing when roy told pam that he paid scrantinicty 20 bucks to play their song?

Who has to pay for the stones in an execution?

My wife turned out to be quite nasty in the last years. because my wife was not a virgin at marriage - and Deuteronomy 22:13-22 states clearly that this in fact nullifies the marriage and the woman should be stoned to death (Deuteronomy 22:21) How do you usually fix a date for this event with the the men of your city, and who has to pay for the stones?

Diagnosed with severe bereavement depression?

I have been diagnosed with depression for 3 months now but I have recently started self harming within the last month, this is a way of coping with guilt of my mothers death. I have been prescribed with anti depressants but at the minute none are working (treatment resistant depression) I'm just wondering whether self harming is a bad sign of depression or a good sign of depression? it's hard to explain i know its not good but it's better than suicidal.. does it mean im coping better or my depression is just getting worse?

Pokemon Soul Silver Help Please?

You need the clear bell if you don't already have it. The kimono girls give it to you after you beat all of them. Elm gives you a masterball as well.

Are you putting up with a family member on Thanksgiving day because you have no choice?

I am, most of my hypocrite family who wear their heirlooms on Thanksgiving and the next day they put back their horns. I do it for my mom who is old but not because I want to.

Jumping Green Horse Help?

So I have a horse that is green at jumping and she is most def. not a natural. She is skiddish, and nervous of her footing. She loved to jump but hates the jumps themselves...Im only do itty bitty x-rails with her right now because my trainer said she can move to them but now she's antsy and cat leaps over everything...are there any books anyone has any ideas about i could read or suggestions? because i most def don't want to screw her up doing the wrong method

CFA Notes Download - Where Can I Get the Practice Exam Papers for Level 1?

Get them from CFA Exam Notes. The papers are of the current standard and give you an insight into the actual exam.

Hinduism ~ Should we consider 'Kaliyuga' as the most pious and 'Dharma' still on the high ?

In Satyayuga all people followed te Dharma only one or two did bad and evil things so inorder to root out them GOD has taken several avatars. In Krithayuga some more people started doing evil things so to teach them how to live GOD has taken the RAM avatar and lived the life. In dwapara Yuga still more evil and bad doers are there so it was the GOD turn and come to people how to live. But In kaliyuga nobody follows what others say or live everybody wants to experience so all the people started doing evil practices so if the GOD wants to destroy the world to kill the evil so there is no AVATAR.

What do you think of the names...?

Juliana, Kaleigh, Logan, Jackson, Grant, Bella, Ava, Lillian, Mia, Rose, Callie, Addison, Raylie, Carolina and Kourtney.

Are 300amp alternators safe for everyday use?

when i told the guy at kinetik batteries i was using a 300 amp alternator he said they were for spl contest only used for couple seconds. the guy at excessive amperage said the alternator was safe for everyday use. what to go with?

Will humans fight robots?

Will humans fight robots or will humans gradually become hybrids of man and machine giving birth to a rise of a new race of cyborgs and things like the terminator films will never happen ?

Do you think gremlins exist?

I*m not sure about the Gremlin theory. We call our house the BERMUDA TRIANGLE, because everything gets lost in it. I just lost $150. I put it down for a nanosecond and BAM! it was happens all the time!

Why don't the San Diego Chargers get rid of Nate Kaeding? They should get rid of him instead of L.T.?

As everyone knows, LaDainian Tomlinson was released by the San Diego Chargers today, I think thats a mistake, he still has a few good years left in him, the Chargers need better run blockers. Seriously, in order for the Chargers to be better they need to get rid of Nate Kaeding, just like Marlon McCree was released by the Chargers, and Drayton Florence, for their bone-headed mistakes they made in a playoff loss agains the Patriots 3 years ago.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The movie Nell?

does anyone else think that Nell's sister's name was Mary and not May-her pronounciation of words was were hendered due to learning speech form her mother who had a stroke-this was sort of an argument between two friends-lol-anyone agree w/me-lie and say u do :P

My 96 Hyundai is sputtering...?

Could be fuel filter, bad plugs, bad plug wires, bad gas... this is just a simple list that could go on and on. How many miles on the car... is the engine just wearing out.....

Did i mess up?(only if ur patient)?

Ok i was at the movies with my gf and wew went out side wen it was over n her brother was there with som his friends they r white boy gang wannabes and he walks up with his friends im in 7th grade hes in 8th and hes all y u with my sister here n al lthat crap and she tells him to go away thn a couple of my friends came out of a movie and saw wat was goin on and idk how it start but there was like a sudden break out and every body was fightin and anyway i beat the **** out of her bro and she got really mad he tohught he was protectin her he was just pissin me off now she wont talk to me idk wat to do

What are some really fun things that I could do on my birthday?

Something out of the ordinary. Not the old, party movie and dinner with friends, but me and my best friend are skipping school for a day to go into the city and we want to do something that we'll remember for a long time that is a little different. We're both girls, and we're both 17 if that helps. We were thinking Experience Music Project since we live in Seattle, and maybe like tape a bunch of pictures of the kama sutra all over one building. Something scandalous, without being illegal. :D doesn't have to be scandalous, just fun. :D thank you!

What to do if people look at me wrong for not going to church?

Ignore them. As long as you're happy in your beliefs and are not hurting another, it's really none of their business if you go to church or not, is it?

Issac Asimov Ithink it is the one who Wrote a story call " The case against man. Cant find on internet Help?

My teacher ask us to print out this story out from the internet but i have look everywhere but i cant find it. can someone help me and send me the story or tell me where can i find it for sure. need it for next cl in two days.

Is it customary to have food at a bridal shower and should men be present?

I came away from my cousin's bridal shower perplexed. I always thought some food was part of the celebration. I don't mean it had to be a 10-course meal, maybe just some cake and coffee would be provided for the invitees and maybe even some party games. All she did was open her gifts and cards and thank everyone for coming and that was the end of the shower. Also, her fiance and some of his friends and relatives were present, which took me aback somewhat. The other attendees seemed to take that in stride. Is this sound like a customary bridal shower (in USA)?

If us folk shot in head without VIP insurance like Congressman Giffords would we survive?

She had all this fancy surgery by top neurologists where they removed part of her skull to prevent death from brain swelling, she's in a medically induced coma etc that all the politicians insurance covers. I know my benefits wouldve capped out and my family would be looking for a casket. Did the shooter have legitimacy in his gripe (not in his shooting)?

Many members of the Christian Right against abortion and for the death penalty?

How can many members of the Christian right be opposed to the abortion because they respect the sanctity of human life but support capital punishment? Who are we to decide when a person should die? What about innocents who have been falsely convicted and executed?

RGN number for complaint?

i am in dispute with a very agressive and unprofesional nurse in england who will not divulge her registerd number how do i find this out i have her name

If minors get married in tennesse, are the parents of the minors still liable for them?

my girlfriends son has his girlfriend knocked up, sorry for the harsh wording but its a very touchy subject with a lot of frustration. Is she being my girlfriend, still responsible for his actions. He has already been in trouble with the law and so on she is worried that if he gets out of her house and gets into trouble, will she get in trouble for him being a minor or will he be considered a adult

Cleveland XLS driver, red or gold shaft?

I can not test the two. Should I go for the red or the gold shaft. Im a pretty good player hit average drive 275. If you have a XLS what shaft did you get?

How long do CRB checks (so you can work with kids) last before you need to get another one?

Starting a new job working with kids and just wondering if I'll need a new CRB check, as last one was a while ago.

Did the ayatollah Khomeini really wipe out towns during the revolution?

Ayatollah did not destroy them he ordered them destroyed and as all good Ayatollah followers do, they do what they are told or die. Yes he did wipe out many Muslims for not following his laws.

Would you read this story??????

whats with all the angels all of a sudden its like the new vampire. But yeah i like your story idea its sounds really good i would read it

Role-playing views on globalization?

You forgot to mention a unionized manufacturing worker. He is getting middle-cl salary while doing a job that does not require finishing high school, he has no more skills than his grandfather did, and he thunders about how US consumers prefer Bolivian workers to him.

Do whites make codewords like 14/88 because they're scared?

Even before internet and people feeling brave online, they made codewords to implicitly say what they wish they were brave enough to say to someone's face.

Why are the proven in the eyes of the Fed & Central Bank such miserably selfish and brainless human beings?

Just one example, but, I have a neighbor who's related to Richard Nixon (who really wasn't that bad a prez, btw..) who just happens to also be extremely well-to-do, if you understand me. An automotive engineer who "works" for one of the Big Three (sorry I don't feel comfortable telling which one), and yet has kid not allowed to depreciate the value of toys by playing with them and doesn't know how to jumpstart a car despite 20+ years of doctorate education..

What does this sound like...?

Wow He is stressed out from what I have read. He is a father, social lover, and is trying to kiss up to his friends to get some support to help you guys. He think he knows what he is doing and is acting very poised about it. Have him calm down with a drink of cold water and the same with that daughter of his.

HELP... Someone who Reads alot.....?

Okay... here it is. My sister & I are stumped. We are trying to find who wrote a story or a poem about a Girl who wore a collar ( a necklace, choker) to hold her head on to her body and if she took it off her head would fall out. We were thinking Edgar Allan Poe..but yea..i cant find anything. Please Help. Thanks

Power rangers producers are at it gain!?

my nephew showed me the new power rangers coming out this month because he wants the toys. and i saw a black guy being a black ranger and i was shocked. because the producers said that they wont make another black ranger be a black guy because of mighty morphin (walter emmanuel jones) people felt it was racist and the producers agreed! now they're going back on their word and doing some sneaky stuff even if this actor says he want to be black, they still have to say no because of what happened. to me it's a big deal because the producers (most of them the same old people) are going back on thier word. so if you yahoo people say some smart *** remark to me fine dont worry i'll say something back to u!

What to do for my aloe plant?

So i bought an aloe plant on 28th October 2009 after a week or so the leaves started to get yellow and thin on the tips so i decided to put it out on sunny days an water it once a week.Then the tips of the plant turned brown.I thought it might be a sunburn and i put it inside.The leaves started to get week so i decided to re-pot it since the original pot was small and keep it in.Now 2 months later it's a little bit taller because of the pot and i can't leave it in the house there is no space so i leave it out.But the temperature is getting to cold,there's no sun most of the days and rainy (7 Celsius --->44.6 F) and it hasn't grown bigger since i bought it.The leaves aren't very thick as they were i water it once a week or biweekly.What should i do?

Please help with this microbiology question regarding ELISA, DNA fingerprinting, and Vibrio?

Yes you could run a gel of the unknown species DNA and then hybridize an oligo for the toxin gene, with some kind of marker on it. That would show that whatever you have in your sample is producing the same toxin. Hope this helps.

Christians, do you ever consider that you might be wrong?

Im sure hell is filled with muslims christians and jews who claimed to be followers of God but did not follow the very principles they claimed to believe in. Does not the koran say that the followers of christ and the torah(jews) will not be barred from paradise?

Should I ween my bub off the while pregnant?

My friend fed her 2 and a half year old until she was about 5 months' pregnant. Then the taste of the milk changed - they say it reverts to colostrum. He went off it very quickly after that!

Suggest shoes,earrings and a necklace that goes with this black dress?

Is DJ Hero Renegade coming out again?

I'm looking for DJ Hero Renegade and everybody tells me that it is Out of Stock and I Want to know If it is coming out again because I think it is a limited edition...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Should I try contacts again?

Try again. I gave up the first time with contacts too because mine were too dried out, but there are millions of brands out there and the one you were using just isnt right for you.

A rocket is fired at a speed of 75.0 m/s from ground level, at an angle of 66.7� above the horizontal. The roc?

A rocket is fired at a speed of 75.0 m/s from ground level, at an angle of 66.7� above the horizontal. The rocket is fired toward an 11.0 m high wall, which is located 28.5 m away. The rocket attains its launch speed in a negligibly short period of time, after which its engines shut down and the rocket coasts. By how much does the rocket clear the top of the wall?

Is it really that big a deal to eat spoiled meat?

Dogs are scavengers, their systems are designed to eat putrid things. As far as taking advice from Ripley's Believe it or Not, you're on your own there. I hope you don't get food poisoning or worse. There all sorts of bacteria in rotten meat. You must have been really hungry.

Final Fantasy X - Boss: Crawler?

I've been trying to beat this thing for days, it pretty much ruins the fun of the game because it's so hard. Maybe I'm just being an idiot but I just CANNOT beat it. I looked up some advice and maybe it will help when I try again, but does anyone have anything they found worked well for them? THe mana beam pretty much kills everyone but Auron and I have to use all my stupid potions to regain my health. Enough rambling for now, so I'm basically just asking if anyone has any tactics on beating the Crawler.

How does someone committed as a poet survive in the world?

I am a poet who needs a material foundation for writing the best and deepest expression of the human predicament. How might I gain this? Should I become a buddhist monk. Definitely I am an atheist so I should not be a Catholic brother, should I? Should I continue to be a teacher ? How does one balance the weight of a literary life on one's shoulders. I wish I had the answer to it. I don't know. I wish that I had someone who would love me and support me in this undertaking. I need a patron of the arts, a sugar daddy, a purposeful and contemplative space for pursuing my art. How? I ask you how? Please give me thoughtful and informed advice. a href=",%20Steven%20David%20Justin" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should a bar owner be help criminally liable if employee sells to minors?

What if the bar owner instructs the bartender not to sell liquor to juveniles, but the bartender disregards those instructions and sells to juveniles anyway? Should the owner then be held criminally liable?

Galvanic cell, electorlysis (chemistry) ?

can someone please explain me the meaning of a galvanic cell, electric potential, cathod, anode- what all these terms actually mean and how is a electric potential created? also could you explain electrolysis and what it means, cel potential?- simple terms please,

The florida hurricane fay?

where i am near boca raton we are fine all we got was very very heavy rain and a few gusts of wind but nothing major like flooding

If England's binge drinking problem is caused by the belief that it is an Englishman's patriotic duty to get?

England does not have a binge drinking problem... its a piece of land so can't drink... but some people (and not that many considering how many live here) do have a problem with binge drinking... but please dont tar us all with the same brush... my drinking consists of a gl of baileys on christmas day

I often wake up from sleep with a headache?

I sleep in a very humid room, it's rarely is cold because I'm on the top floor and "heat rise." Even with the air conditioner on it will still be humid in here. I was wondering if it's abnormal to wake up with headaches after sleeping in a hot 87 degree room, and if so, why do I get them? I also get heat flashes after I've waken up from sleeping.


It is indeed option (c) since the tricuspid (or atrioventricular valve) valve is the one-way valve that permits the flow of blood from the right atrium intro the right ventricle.

I want a washer that gives at least 120 deg. water for whites. Which one?

I just bought an LG 5001CW washing machine. Hot water is barely 90 deg. I dont think this is normal and had a tech come in. She had never seen this new washer. Very incompetent. When wash starts hot /cold water release the time wash starts water is lukewarm. Stains on whites do not come off even after pretreated. I believe this is due to the fact that the hot is not hot at all. Any ideas? I would like a washer that has at least 120 temp. for whites. Does anyone know of one?

Is she ready or too childish ?

im 17 and ive been with this girl who is 16 for 7 months im not used to taking a realtionship slow but i respect that she wants to and thats how its been. the realationship has changed alot and her opinion on ualy things has changed. resantly she has told me that she is read for . but im worried that she is just saying this to make me happy and i think she is stil to childish. dus being child like have anything to do with ? i dont want her to regret me if we eva brake up. im worried that shes not ready and that she will regret it. im quit confused atm.can somebody please help me

Whats your fav love songs and who would you dedicate em to.?

mine is see you when you get ther coolio, and slammin kind of love a teens id send that one to my friend Brian. i also like, we fit together o town, dear mama by tupac, runaway Janet Jackson, baby come on over Samantha mumba, candy, mandy moore, miracles happen, mya, super girl, krystal harris, take me home sophie baxtor, the day i fall in love, dolly parton, beauty and the beast celine dion, double dutch bus raven, brand new key, melanie, and last but not least listen to the music brother.

Should I have told him his dead mother approached me?

M.L., is this a loving, tolerant, forgiving boyfriend? If it is, he will come to his senses, love you and forgive you. Because, from what you have written, you seem to be a loving, compionate person, and you need someone like that. If the bf is not, like the mother said, you don't know your worth! perhaps this situation was exactly why she told you what she did. Jesus loves you too. About the question, you told him what pertained to him. When it comes to visions, you have to go with your conscience on what was meant to be revealed to others and who, so I think you made the right choice!

Percy Jackson fans (last olympian spoilers)?

*runs up to Annabeth and hugs her and cries* Oh Annabeth *sobs* Poor Luke! Why did he have to betray you?

WDYT Of The Name Alyson Niamh?

This is my new favorite name! I <3 it so much! The nickname for Alyson would be Allie, and just fyi Niamh is pronounced (Neeve). Opinions????

What is the meter of this poem?

There is no meter. The scanning would be all over the place and so doing that wouldn't give you any more info or give you any meaning. The poem is full of meaning, but it has nothing to do with it's non-meter.

What kind of dog is this?

I always thought these dogs were cute and was thinking about getting one if I could figure out the name. They have short noses but they aren't completely flat and they look kind of like a bear in the face. Most have short stubby tails but I have seen some with long ones.

What think you of a geography maunin?

There has been much astronomy this morning and now you add Terran geography. Very fitting!! And a very Good Morning to you down in the bayou. Hope all is well.

Getting stationed at Ft. Drum, NY?

Pretty good, because not too many soldiers want to go there. My son is stationed there and wishes he was somewhere else and said alot of soldiers felt the same way

Is there such thing as a car vaporizer for cannabis?

i know theres alot of vaporizers out there, including aromatherapy vaporizers, anything for cannabis?

The thirteenth warrior film?

i'm doing a paper on the thirteenth warrior about christian and relgious views revealed in the film, can anyone help me? i've searched it and searched it but i can't find anything.. please help.. thank you.

Am I wrong to worry about you Israel?

Thanks for for your concern . Israeli goverment can take good care of their people. After only one hour of carpet bombing half of Gaza City the Hamas and their suporters will come to their senses . 90% of the population of Gaza voted and still suports Hamas .When Israel threatened to cut off their electricity or fuel for firing rockets into civilian populated towns they cried why collective punishmen . They have to realise they the population are part and parcel of Hamas and have to take resposabilities for their Islamic Jihad activities.

Basic underlying cause of the Protestant Reformation?

Is it the aculation of indulgences or the belief that the institutional catholic church was not meeting the spiritual needs of the people?

Hair help please? ASAP?

i think you should get the rihanna one...i think that one would look best for a heart shaped face :D

Army question for spouse?

I am a disabled husband with an awesome Army wife of 11 years and two great kids under 12 years old. I take meds for OCD/ADHD/PTSD and do quite fine. my parents and my wife's parents are not so nice. it has been insinuated by both grandparents that they might try to seek custody if my wife is ever deployed, because I am disabled. yes this is a very mean thing to do, but they are very selfish people set in the old ways of the male/female household roles. this is one of the reasons my wife insisted we move away last month to another state. I really hope the Army would help us if this transpired. we are new to this military life and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Is it true that you can't flush toilet paper down the toilet in a mobile home ?

My landlord told me that the sewage system in mobile parks can't handle toilet paper? We are on the city sewage system so I can't see why this would be an issue? I really don't want to put toilet paper in a waste bin because I think it is unsanitary.

Do you think that 'Stronghold' PC game is one of the best games ever?

im not really a video game person but recently i found a cd in my house, it was called stronghold crusaders and i found it to be an awesome game. what about you?

What does ditzy mean?

People who are dim-witted or plain dumb(e.g. Paris Hilton). It is used to describe someone who acts stupid and dumb. It's similar to dumb blonde except in this case blondes aren't involved and this is a general term so there isn't one group being labeled.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Suggestions / Tips for Phoenix Film Festival?

Sun City isnt exactly close to the film festival....Sun City is an "adult community" probably 90% probably not much around there to do.....however near the film festival in scottsdale there is plenty to do.....desert ridge is near by as is Kierland, both are shopping centers with nice bars/restaurants and far as getting'll need a car....public transportation is not good at all here

What shoes are the best?

its all a matter of personal preferance..i like k swiss the best and then adidias shell toe but thats just me.

What motivates Phyllis Schlafly? Is her behavior inconsistent with her philosophy? Is she a hypocrite?

Q: It's ironic that Phyllis Schlafly’s led a dynamic full-time career in order to work to keep women at home. What's the psychology of these religious right-wing women? Of "New Right" women in general?

Whats wrong with my internet?

i waz on the computer and i hit something on the keyboard and now everthing on the internet is small the start on and everthing else is normal size but internet is itty bitty how do i restore it back

I am a spanish teacher and i lost my answer sheet?

Only thing I can think of, is do the test yourself so you can get the answers. That's the quickest method I can think of if the company doesn't contact you/if you can't get in touch with them. You're a teacher, so the test should be easy to you, right? =)

What to do in this situation ?

just talk to her, approach her, talk about cl. ask to study together, at liek a coffee shop. or somewhere and ask her to lets take a creak and go get some food, or coffeee, etc.. and when you do that, talk about anything and everything. =)

Why is it important that haploid gametes be produced in animals?

This increases the variation of alleles in the population. In the cases in which animals reproduce aually, it is harder for them to adapt to an environment, since there are no many different genes from which to select.

Please help on Pokemon Soul Silver PLEASE PLEASE ASAP?

Okay, after i beat the 6 gym (ice type) i went outside and theres a phone call... and i didn't answer it so i watched some walkthrough in youtube there was team rocket in goldenrod city but when i went there and it was just like the regular one.. please help ASAP PLEASE

What Are Ways To Reduce Social Anxiety Disorder?

like i always have had this ever since i was 10yr like i never really liked going to school when i was 15 i had friends but i just felt like a Outcast,at times like even when i did have some friends like i just always liked staying at home,& ever since i graduated back in 08, like i had a Few Jobs here & there...none of them were long term & like now that i been out work & still living with my folks for the mean time my brother will give me some advise & say dude all your Friends are gone away at college & you dont have a Job & it's like i feel Sooo Less Confidant when i hear the truth about my i feel ashamed like daam im still living at my moms house & im 20 goin on 21 nxt year & im still around my Little brothers thats like 14 & 16.....Like Im a Handsom Light Skin African American but it's like i just feel Uncomfortable when out in public

Good, cute romance books for teens?

I am a teenager and I like to read a lot. I enjoy clean books sometimes with cute romance. I am looking for suggestions of these types of books but nothing mainstream that everyone has probably already read. I prefer books that not just anybody has heard about before. One book that I really enjoyed was the Amaranth Enchantment by Julie berry. Please do not suggest twilight books or harry potter books or any books with vampires and/or werewolves.Thanks!

Has the Religion/Spirituality forum had an effect on your thinking?

being on this forum confirms that I have chosen the right thing in atheism. I have had a chance to see just how irrational religious people really are. I never believed in the bible, but I do like reading all of the contradictions now.

How do you get to the 7th gym leader/to lake acuity?

i did both of the lakes already (lake valour and lake verity) now i need to go to the last lake(acuity) and to the 7th gym leader. how do i do it?

I want to build my career as ISO Quality management Auditor, I want to learn, Please guide?

Is there any readymade software for ISO Quality Management system, if so where could I download from. I want to make a career as ISO Auditor.

Is is possible to port/convert a Mac .dmg file to a Windows .exe or .msi file?

I have opened .dmg files with TransMac (a href="" rel="nofollow" to get to the data in them, but you will not be able to run any Mac programs in Windows.

Why is my boyfriend acting like this lately?

Maybe he's depressed or something's bugging him. If neither of those, he's likely just lost interest.

Do you girls mind when we smell your panties?

When we're getting it on and you take off your panties, do you find it weird that we naturally have an impusle to gnab it and take a big deep whiff.

World of warcraft - paladin spec choice.?

well i have a level 34 paladin and i am a protection paladin. i was wondering, as retribution pally's suck nowadays, should i got for holy or protection, i like to own at pvp and pve, and wreck allot of dmg what should i go for? Thank you :P

PLEASE HELP: Where can I find a live moon webcam?

I'd say that's because it's the first full moon of the year. They all look like that. Try again next month. There's nothing special about the moon tonight. And there's no live moon cam.

Have to go into court to show just cause for Child Support?

I have always worked hard to make sure that my kids had everything and my ex-wife never had to buy them anything. I have payed child support on time every month until 6 months ago. I had to quit working in early 2008 because of my diabetes, arthritis and have congestive heart failure. I worked on cars for as long as I could physically and sent in every spare dime that I had into child support even if it was not the court ordered amount for the past 6 months. I applied for disability 2 months ago since I cannot work. On top of what I send to CP I have always bought their clothes, made sure they had anything that they ever wanted and needed since my ex and I split up. My ex never bought them anything using the CP. I am now $1700 behind and I received a court summons for a show of cause order to go into court to explain why I didn't pay anything last month. CP has reported that I still work for my old employer in this summons and dont pay the CP just because I dont want to. Why the worker put these things in the order just because my ex says so without any real proof? Is that legal? Besides the fact that my ex use to have an aunt that worked for Social Services. What's also really irritating is that she filed outrageous domestic violence charges on the 20th of last month (which she never even showed up for court for and which also made the 3rd time in 3 years) and then had SS do this order on the 21st. Are there any factors here that will help me in court on Monday?

Why does everyone think zeke is cuter than luther ):{ ?

I just don't get it why does everyone think zeke is cutter than Luther I mean just because Luther acts like an idiot and is a red head that is a stereo type and I hate it. I just took a poll on that question zeke had 88% and Luther had 5% that's just not right. If you don't agree with me go shove your head it a toilet and jump of a cliff with it still on your head because your a cruel meanie.

Why does food generally enter the oesophagus and not the trachea?

the epiglottis temporarily blocks the trachea during swallowing and allows the food to enter the oesophagus to prevent choking

Who was born and/or raised in DDR (GDR) (especially near Potsdam) or in USSR (Kiev, Leningrad, Moscow)?

I as born in USSR (in Moscow suburbia) in 1966 so I know quite a lot about the place and what it was in Soviet time. I live in the UK for the last 8 years.

If food stamps for freeloaders don't cover basic food needs, then why are the freeloaders always so fat?

Because food stamps don't begin to cover the cost of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruit, dairy, and nuts, the healthy foods we are supposed to eat. Mostly recipients have to buy cheap processed food in order to stretch them and not run out of food entirely. ∠°)

Ok theres this really cute black girl at winn dixie everytime i go in there shes giving me the eyes and?

Shes supper friendly and really nice and i was looking at them and i scanned my card and she said push yes i said oh sorry i was sidetracked she said that's ok take your time and it seems like when i go in there she is fixing it to where her will show a lot and when i left she smiled and i swear she winked and i winked back and me and my girlfriend got in the truck my gf said winn dixie is getting taken over by black girls do you think she jealous?

Whats going on with h&R block this year?

You can still apply for the ral if you are military but you will be denied because they can't make enough profit off of you. I learned that when we filed this year you will have to wait 8-15 days for your refund and if you are military you should have a bank account that they could transfer the direct deposit to instead of giving you that card that will stick you with all kinds of fees. We choose that option instead of that card.

Umm guys 'n' girls kida need your help here...please?

ok,ok,ok,ok i love my cousin georgina to bits but she has a boyfriend that i am IN love with at her 16th when people where leaving he came over to me and did that finger on his cheek thing witch indicated me to kiss him on his cheek then i kinda messed it up because hes taller than me he said ow but laughing the he hugged me 4 like 5 seconds then he went away for 10 mins then when ub40 played he was dancing with me and was mouthing the words to the song ive liked since i met him on the 4th of july 2007 its not just this because evry time were together were quite playfull like weve got this thing were we pretend to be 2 american girls and we press our bodies together and say stuff like girrl no u didnt and at Georgianas 16 when we was doing this i swear i could feel something you know down there and it was hard do ya catch my drift but im not sure if that was down to me cuz he'd just been dancing with georgi im not sure if these are sighns or me wishfull thinking can you tell me if he likes me more than a friend. ps we have a secret hand shake and when we do the hand shake i blush and he kind of smiles.

What can I do to annihilate my boredom?

I've been swamped all month long with work and friends and now I finally get some rest and I feel relentlessly restless.....why????

Is it good to be called a wood nymph?

Todya i wore my hair wavy with two braids that made a halo like thing...i thought i looked like a hippie or a flower child but then a friend of mine said i looked like a wood nymph and i dont kno if thats a good or bad thing....So can you tell me if being called a wood nymph is a good thing or not?

Painfull earache and minor loss of hearing?

I think you have a middle ear infection. You should go to the dr to get antibiotics.The reason i think you have slight hearing loss is because you possibly have fluid behind the ear drum.It is common but you definately need antibiotics.

Lab work indicates Thyroid function is normal but?

I still have a nodule on my thyroid gland. I am worried it could be cancerous. I am having an appointment tommorrow to see if i can get a biopsy. Has anyone ever had a normal blood work done and experienced something different on the gland itself??

Is the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) involved in any kind of help with North Korea?

What is their stance on helping the DPRK (North Korea) regarding humanitarian aid? They seem to be a bit too involved in their own internal problems to even think about North Korea.

Masking tape residue after nightmare DIY painting job --PLEASE HELP

Go to the store and get some Goo Gone. Home Depot carries it, I even think my grocery store carries it.

Yu-Gi-Oh! QUESTION rate my deck and fix it if something isnt good tnx.?

first of all you should always NO MATTER WHAT, always have at least either a black hole, or a heavy storm. i think some card are useless,so gear town, wait can you even make a modification? i have around 300 cards so yeah. anyways if you do, you should replace that card with black hole or heavy storm. and if your cards have good chemistry, you should get mega morph or power bomb [i suggest mega morph, just because in singularity it costs less and is much easier for me, personally]. your deck is a themed, but don't let that get in the way finding your own special deck through that one, oh, and your magic and traps count ALOT, so be careful when re-choosing or remaking your deck, that's all

What would happen if this occured...?

I met myself from the past or future somehow and I came in contact? Could I concievably disrupt the continuum? Seriously?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What do you think of these girl's names?

there are all quite american and the i think i preety name is aurelie its french also eteinselle whichh meand sparks. i hate the spellings though! if you want something original go with soething from a diffferent coutry but not american its very typical, you may not like this name but i think tara is preetyy and so is jaya and aisha

How do americans feel about immigration?

I've noticed a lot of Americans have incredibly 'anti-illegals' views, just wondered a) why they're so worried when they have all that space/money b) if they realise that the reason for illegal immigration is mainly because of such a heinous quality of life in their own countries which is only exacerbated by the developed world's continued lack of support in funds etc and c) whether they realise that they are all immigrants themselves? Objective/constructive answers only please! I'm not attacking, just curious!

What do I do if the management won't fix anything in my apartment?

You could threaten them with small claims court for breach of contract.. and small claims doesn't require a lawyer.

How can we better secure Israel from Palestinian Terror?

Personally, I think you should have been allowed to finish what they started and gone all the way to Cairo and then taken all of Israel and pushed the plaestinians out since they swore to kill you and wipe you off the face of the face of the earth. Even the other arab nations would take the palestinians.

Does anyone else find it interesting how moderate Republicans are being pushed out of their own party by the?

Interesting, but not surprising. The reich wing base is becoming more and more religious and batshit insane everyday. Any movement that can have Sara Palin as a leader is by definition full of stupid people.

Its a though decision to make and I need your help!?

Im 20yrs old and I live with my parents. I go to college. I was never a rebel girl. I've never been to a club, I've never come home drunk, smoked, or done drugs, and the latest I've come home is 12am and i was out with my boyfriend. I am happy living with my parents they are great. I am where I am because of them and i thank them...but my dad is extremely overprotective... i did not have a normal childhood because of this. yesterday i tried to take my cosuin to my grandmother's house at 9pm and my dad said that it was too late and too dangerous for me (its my own car) and he said he was going with me. I got tired of all that and i respectfully said "im going to take my cousin to the house ok, i'll be back in 10 mins" and he said "do whatever the ***** you want!" ... things like this happen all the time. Im getting tired and I dont want to get married to escape this, its not right. he doesnt listen to anything, what should i do? i dont have money! this is too much. or is he right?

How do I fix my computer moniter? It's plugged in but I keep getting this error.?

In Safe Mode, uninstall your Display Adapter in the Device Manager, then restart in normal mode and reinstall the drivers for your Display Adapter with whatever disc you originally installed it. It should reset the settings back to defaults, so you can change it to what you had it on originally.

Mildly Concerned... Headaches for the Past Month and a Half?

I'm really not sure, but why not try going to a doctor? I'll be honest, I feel most doctors aren't that wonderful, seeing as my mom was misdiagnosed with Lyme Disease for 2 years. But you could give it a shot. Explain your symptoms to them and hopefully they give you the right tests to determine a diagnosis.

Part of speech in the blank before each number identify the part of speech of the italicized word Write?

N (noun) PRO (pronoun) ADJ (adjective) ADV( adverb) or V (verb) My brother mentions almost daily his need for a car

Do you think shes being friendly or planning something?

she prolly just wants to creep on your profile.. spy on you for her friend nan.idk i cant say anything cuz idk them. but if you just ignore her and let it go then things wont be miserable. if she talks then talk.(DO NOT share your secrets with her or talk to her about her ex best friend) you never know whats going on in their heads!.

Are psychopaths misrepresented in the media because a lot of world leaders share this common illness?

I always thought psychopaths were mindless serial killers until I met one in real life. I didn't even know psychopathy was a real genetic illness. I realized how he has so much in common with most world politicians. Politics(power) to psychopaths is like beauty and show business to teenage girls, and they are good at it.

What are some common slang words from the 1940's theatre and vaudville?

I am an impersonator of Lou Costello in Abbott & Costello. I am planning to do a 1940 style comedy and music show. Would love to know the slang words used for ideas.

Is it normal to have pain while urinating after an appendectomy?

My 4 year old son just has his appendix removed one week ago. I had ruptured but the dr said just a little bit. He seemed to get well really quick (Thank God!). However, he has started saying his pee pee hurts. At first it was while the was going now it hurts when he isn't. Is this normal? Dr also said the appendix was touching his bladder. Could his bladder just be inflamed or is it something more serious?

Who will take the last shot in Miami?

Will it be Dwyane or LeBron? or will it be someone else like Mario Chalmers best known for hitting the buzzer-beating 3 pointer in the 2008 NCAA Championship Game.

I'm confused really... Does he care or he is just using me for ?

I spent the whole weekend with my Boyfriend and everything was good. I actually felt like we are growing together as a couple. The next Monday was my birthday I didnt say anything to him cos i remembered his without him reminding me. COme my birthday the day after everyone remembered and send me nice birthday wishes. I was hurt but i held my Composure. Late that night he sent me an sms as usually checking up on me. Even when i'm sick or low i know i can always count on him. He is always there on my side... I asked him how come he always sents everyone Birthday wishes except me. He said he had not realised it was my Birthday.. He is on Myspace and FB you get those reminders.. Does it mean maybe i'm just there for and he doesnt care about me at all. But is not all we do as well.. i'm so confused and hurt! I know he is going through a rough patch with work at the moment, i dont know if i'm looking for excuses for him cos i love him. Or is it he just doesnt care about me as much as i do. The otha thing is when i confronted him he was a bit Rude to me about it as well he sort of snapped at me. Thats not how i know him. I dont know what to do, are these the Red flags they talk about. Everything was perfect expect my birthday!

Will my dog be okay for 2 days alone?

thats no a good idea, she could easily eat all the food in one day or all at once (i know my dogs would). is there not someone she knows who can pop in to make sure she has food and water and to take her out

Should I tell my finance I won't live with her just to please my parents?

We're both 30 and moving to take jobs in a foreign country for a couple years. We'll be getting married afterward, near home so that both our families can attend. In the meantime, my fiance and I want to live together to save money, have a car in the same place, and give each other company and support as we live in a place with a very different culture, etc. I fully expect my overbearing parents (who are not religious, but very "traditional") to freak out when I tell them our plans, maybe stop talking to me, and constantly express disapproval and disappointment. That's going to be hard for me, since I want their approval... but I need to balance that against what's best for my future wife and myself.

Financial engineering program at carnegie mellon?

however, i know their main program is in pittsburg and in ny they broadcast all the cles from pittsburg. however, considering that CMU has one of best financial engieering program but it's only broadcast over internet in NYC, i wanted to if it's still worth going for this in new york. do you think if there are any better options in new york for financial engineering in terms of schools? please let me know.

What KRS-1 song did Dr. Dre sample for "Keep Their Heads Ringin"?

Specifically, the part in the beginning that says "buck buck buck buck booyaka shan". Not the music that was sampled for the beat. Did KRS-1 record these vocals specifically for this track?

Severe flatulence problem?

folks, i am highly embarred to ask this but i have no other way. i suffer from severe flatulence. even if i empty my bowels completely, after breakfast flatulence develops and it releases with bad odour. i am not able to participate in any social gathering or for that matter even i cant interact with my friends. what medication should i take? even in my workplace i am frowned upon by my colleagues. i drink lots of water and juice but to no avail. please..............please..............… help

Is this Child endangerment?

My sister is a meth addict,. we both live with mother, I have a 17 month old Daughter that lives with me as well and I have been telling her to stop using meth around the house or move on, she is very rude to mother and mom is scared to say anything, I found a bag of meth laying in the hallway a couple months ago, last week my girlfriend was driving me home from work a told me that my sis was home making marijuana brownies, I was so f%$@ing Mad! this has to stop and what do i have to do to get her help if I call the sheriff will they arrest her or just tell her to stop, she has been doing drugs since the age of 16 and she is 56 now, rude and hateful and told me she dont care about what happens

Rate my yugioh burn deck- Preparing for regionals!?

While this type of deck is good if you want to do good at regionals you have to be faster. Chain burn would work better cause this deck will get owned by mobius/Raiza. I would add some bottomless trap holes and take out Judgement, 1 Ojama Trio, and the Diemnsion walls (you arnt going to have your opponenet attack much anyway right. Also watch out for jinzo as he can be played in twos now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is there any PC Laptop with a Trackpad/Screen as nice as Macbook's?

No, there are PC laptops out there with multi touch track pads, but most are laggy and unresponsive.

What was the greatest battleship featured in WWII ?

Did you pay close attention in that movie?If any ship was overrated it was HMS Hood.The Prince of Wales would have been lost in the same engagement if the Bismarck had pursued it.How many British ships and planes did it take to eventually run down the Bismarck?The most feared and awesome warship of World War Two was the Bismarck.

How should I cut my hair?

I think you should get short forehead bangs & get really long hair. Like Demi Lovato's kind of. I think that would be cute(: Good luck!

Do you like sheep the wooly kind?

Yeah they are all around us here. They are living in the park we walk around often. The only thing I don't like about them is they have no brains, If you are driving down a road and one is standing on the side of the road and it sees you, chances are it will run out in front of the car just as you get near it!

Clic or Cheesy? +BQ!?

I don't really like the same letter thing. MAYBE for twins or something instead of giving them extremely matchy names just the same innitial/innitials but otherwise it's tacky. and the sib sets are cute. I guess sometimes it's okay :p

Would this eyeshadow work on medium brown eyes?

using green to bring the green out wont work. try something off.. purple with a hint of brown in the crease. possibly the intention of bringing out the brown rather than the green will work more effectively. make sure your eyeliner is not too dark this will help.

What directions are given in the rowntrees randoms advert?

what you want to do my china teapot is ice cream cone that top hat question and put it in your umbrella stand. ok snowflake

Looking for a good story-driven PC game?

what i do when i get bored of current games i download emulators and roms and play old n64 gameboy nes and snes games if you want more info email me

117 pounds soaking wet. How to shoot a .270 or .30-06 and not detach a retina or dislocate shoulder?

yeah just hold it tight against your shoulder. Who cares about a little bruise for a few days if you get some tasty animals to eat.

I do not hold a college education however im looking to live I need a wish granted $2700000000 should do?

work work work single parent with three boys unemployed very bashful I am anxious anxiety is my side kick that is holding strong

How Do I Get Smooth, Moisturized Skin?

Aveeno Moisturizing Lotion works GREAT. it doesn't smell all that good, but it moisturizes really quickly. A bottle/ dispenser isn't pricy; about 2~4 dollars. Its really smooth and it spreads on without grease. Trust in Aveeno! :)

Why are girls so obsessed now?

Funny because many guys wish their girlfriends were obsessed and wanted all the time. I think you're just hanging around the wrong crowd. Strip clubs and bars are not the way to go.

Is there anything to argue about the 4th amendment?

You could argue that the fourth amendment should be removed because now we live in a world of violence and terrorism and that searching people and searching their houses without needing a warrant or probable cause could ultimately save lives by stopping plots sooner.

Is it necessary to caulk between windows and the adjacent stucco exterior?

I am purchasing a home that is 5 years old. When originally made, none of the extensions (e.g. electrical outlets, pipes, etc.) that protrude from the home were sealed where these emerge from the stucco exterior. The areas around the windows were also not caulked. We have been advised that this is not necessary and may promote mildew and wood rot, not to mention unsightliness when the caulk becomes old. Conversely, we have also been told that these small "cracks" may allow water intrusion. Any thoughts on this?

Ayudenme qque hacer con mi relaci�n con mi novio que amo?

Hola estoy tan aturdida, mi novio trabaja todos las semanas y me visita los fines el vive con su papa y al papa yo no le caigo muy bien no se xq, el papa le habla mal de mi y jos� siempre. NO podemos ir a su casa mucho x el papa que molesta y entonces no tenemos comodidad, queremos mudarnos pero tengo que esperar unos meses, y no estoy segura de que esa sea la soluci�n. Diganme que podr�a hacer???

Who can point me in a different direction to a new 'faith'?

i am a 'recovering' catholic, who loves the Lord and Mary. but catholosism is not for me. whats the diff. between protestant, presbyterian, methodist, lutheran (to name a few). i want to start attending a church every sunday, please advise! thanx!

Relationship problem? Please help?

So, I've dated my bf for awhile, and he recently told me his brother just got a gf. His cousin is coming from Seattle to visit, and I don't know why I feel as though I'm in so much of a competition. I feel as though I want his cousin to like me better. I feel as though she's prettier than me and I have such low self esteem. Do you ever feel in competition with anyone at all? Is there any way to make me feel better? Thanks everyone. I feel really sad right now and I do act the way I do. Just a bit shy, but I'm not a faker or anything.

Help with law cl! (need it to be cleared about what im suppose to write about!)?

The rule making process of within the State bureaucracy is a way for agencies to define how they are going to implement the laws that are ped by the legislature. However, the rule making process can be lengthy and may be conducted out of sight of the public. Therefore, rule making could be seen as beyond the democratic system of governance. Review the information at this website: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a In 1 to 2 pages, explain how the rule making process relates to the democratic ideal. In your paper, how the rule making process interacts with the legislative process, if the rule making process allows sufficient public input and involvement, and if you believe the rule making process is democratic or not

Advice: testosterone problem...?

By all means ask your GP to check you levels. Most will be happy to do so if only to reure you. However don't be disappointed when you discover that yours are normal, the differences between individual humans is vast and usually does not need pathology to explain it.

Grandparent able to make medical decisions?

My son spends alot of time with his grandmother since she baby sits him while I am at work and she takes him everyother weekend because I put in 36 hours of work in 3 days everyother weekend. Her and I were talking and in case of an emergancy is there a way I can give her power to make medical decisions when I am unable to be there. I work about an hour away from where she lives and the hospital is probably about another 15 mins away so if something were to happen it would take me probably over an hour and half to even get to him. I was just wondering if there was way I can give her legal rights to make quick decisions if I am unable to get there right away. Maybe something like POA but not quiet. Thanks

Pregnant with triplet girls, which names sound best?


Plz edit this short pargarph plz its urgent?

4. Cats are sensitive whereas lions are slow and prowl at noon. However, lions use their authority to rule over the animal kingdom when the other animals resist being ruled. On the other hand, cats, people, only scream and scratch the enemy when they are attacked. We think of our friends very highly, yet we don’t care about God. He pretends to ignore what we are doing. However, we care too much about what our friends think about because we lose fear of God. He has not yet shown what he can do to the world. We are just poking the seeping lion. The calm lion has not yet distracted so much. Later, the lion would roar as we cannot imagine. Just wait until when the time comes. Then, we don’t have fear from humans but from God.

Is there a song for this relationship?

Secondhand Serenade's "Fall For You" kinda fits your situation, and it's acoustic! And really awesome.

Why do PCR primers (forward and reverse primers) have to be of equimolar concentration?

Hi. You don't have to use equimolar concentrations. But for most types of PCRs it makes more sense. If you have an asymmetric PCR (i.e. one primer at a higher concentration) then there will be preferential amplification of one particular strand of the template molecule. Sometimes you want this, sometimes you don't; depends on the ay. Make sense?

Women's Army Uniform...Can You Wear Weave In Your Hair?

depends on your command, I was in a unit with a lot of african americans and they were aloud to have nails too long and weave in their hair and corn rolls as long as it did not interfere with the wear of the barey, but sometimes it did and some girls that kissed but got away with it, so I guess its all in who you know, I had ententions that went down papst my shoulder and I was able to keep it up in a bun and still wear my airbourne red barey, it interfered with the wear of my NBC mask, but...we were not at war so they probably would have had me take it out if I was going to iraq. I would talk to your PLT SGT and maybe your section SGT before gettign it, better to get it approved before you get it done and then have to be told to get it taken out.

Your FAVORITE books from childhood?

I loved Junie B. Jones and The Charlie Bone Books! And Dear Mr. Henshaw and Henry and Risby by Beverly Cleary

Before I have a breakdown I always dream of blood...?

I have had two breakdowns where I checked into the ER because I wanted to kill myself and had done parasuicidal harm to myself, but both times leading up to those visits I frequently dreamt of blood. For instance, once I dreamt that I was in a clroom and blood was leaking through the floorboards from the room above and once I dreamt that I was in rowboat sailing through a river of blood because my city had been flooded. It is merely a coincidence. Should I take it as a warning sign? I have a Borderline Personality and I’m currently stable and medicated

Budgie attacked by another budgie, help?!?

I have an aviary with nine budgies, it is more than big enough but today one of the younger ones I noticed had quite a bad head injury. I know it was caused by another budgie, because I found the one that did it and she had blood around her beak. The victim of it has quite a few of the feathers from the crown of her head plucked, and there is a fair amount of blood but not too much I wouldnt say more than about 2-3 drops of it, I have brought her inside and covered the cage with a blanket, what else can I do?

Where to begin with online degrees?

A lot of the larger well known universities are offering distance learning (internet) courses but it really comes down to what you are going for and start from there. I did 90 credits undergrad on campus at a large university and was offered a great job in the middle of North Dakota and wanted to finish my degree in GIS (Geography). At the time there were only a handful of schools available online for this and ended up with my BA from Fort Hays State Unv. in Hays Kanas, and have never been to Kansas as of yet. We did have an awesome cl that me up in Minnesota where we canoed and studied native american culture which was awesome!. As an alumni, I would say check them out to start with and get your general electives out of the way and possibly look into community colleges nearby. While an online degree was the best fit for me, I did miss the personal interaction and guidance that you lack from coming face to face with professors and peers.

Stabbing fruit, why i enjoy it?

hes not joking. you need a mental evaluation. first fruit, then puppies and kittens, then... people...

Australian residents please answer. Is there anything motorised that I can buy that you don't need a licence?

I have a 21 year old sister in law living with us. We are in 42 degree weather here and she has to walk into town 2km everyday for work. She does not have a drivers licence. I offer to drive her but with 2 children under 2 it is a hle. She is happy to walk but is exhausted in the heat. Does anyone have any solutions.

Can I get into a good college like ucf or uf? Or a good college out of state?

I got a 29 on my ACT's but my junior and senior year I've slacked and I've gotten a couple A's some Bs some Cs and Ds here and there and I think I got like an F in one cl last year. Or can I atleast get into a good college out of state?

Where do mature ravers (I dont mean over 21s) go for a night out listening to old skool reggae?

They don't. They stay at home and work or they go to work and work or they sleep in between their work and dream about work. So all in all, they work. Wait a minute what were we talking about? Oh that. Go to work. Or school since you spelled it closer to skoal.

Why is it that everyone states that Puerto Rico is so safe? The police is underpaid! Do the math!!?

If you were born here you would say it's a nice place however if your a tourist you would think it's nice AS LONG AS YOU STAY IN THE TOURISTS AREAS!!! P.R is a dangerous place with beautiful beaches and La perla is not the only dangerous place. I had a police officer tell me that "THE ISLAND" is getting dangerous.! I been living here and it's been hell for me and my family. On the flip side P.R has beautiful beaches but as far as the hospitality it sucks unless your in the tourists area.

Volvo Penta 4.3 DP: possible block crack?

there are a couple places water can get in Head Gasket, cracked block etc. dont run it with water in the oil. I repeat don't run it with water in the oil.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Song: "You are not alone"?

I can't find this song title or artist anywhere. The only lyric I remember is that "you are not alone" is in the chorus. It's a newer song, male singer, a Top 40 kind of tune - slow. Not Michael Jackson or Diana Ross. Help!

Catholic views on biuality or ity?

Curious as to how the Church may view this. I might attend a retreat this weekend for those wanting to know more about the priesthood but I am a

Does this sound like an appetizing meal for a wedding?

Sounds good, you might to re-think the hot wings though. What about popcorn chicken? You can get those in spicy if you want and they would be much cleaner! Hot wings are very messy and you don't guests hugging you with hot wing sauce all over them! Other than that it all sounds great!

Will my Laptop run Thesims3?

the video card will be the only issue, they specify 128mb and that is a low spec for the game, ideally 256 or even better 512mb of dedicated video memory is what it really needs

UK Energy Tariff calculation?

I am using an Energy 7 meter which gives three different reading viz., Day, Night and Control in KWhs. How do I calculate my cost? It is really confusing.

Heelpp meeeee?

I cant eat atall... I was with a boy yesterday and it was so amazing and now i cant eat atall.. i didnt eat my dinner last night breakfast or anything in school today. My friends say i'm lovesick, but is there such thing? xx

Can I become an LVN without going to college for 4 years or even 2, like maybe a nursing program or something?

I want to know if there is any nursing programs in elk grove or sacramento, ca area, because i can;t seem to find anything

Have you read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen?

I love that book! But I haven't read it in two years... so I don't think I can help you out with the character thing. Sorry! :(

Rhh: the firm (nas, az, cormega, foxy brown and nature)?

well i cant tell u anything about da album... Its da only nas album i dont have, even if it aint technically a nas album... But i can tell u that a Firm reunion is highly unlikely... Da reason, if u havent noticed nas has moved on past that point of his career where he was doin mafioso rap... As most MCs age their subject matter also grows he's more of an elder spokesman at this time... He is done wit his Nas Escobar persona...

How can I be more emotional/empathetic?

You are actually very lucky. Emotions often weigh people down. Ask a depressed or heartbroken person if they like having emotions, they don't. Being relatively unemotional is great, because you can be more rational and successful in your career. At 15, you are still finding out who you are. Try to love everything you find out and don't try to be someone else or be the 'right way'. Everyone is different - that's what makes life great.

Help with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

okay well im going to buy 2 of those quarter pipes but are they good??....also im going to buy to rail those element ones but the one with design and other without.....also that bench ......and the mini box...and the Mojo port-a-park.and 2 element completes and 2 pairs of dc shoes and some shirts....but will it all come at ounce and the ramps are they a good size and if u have it do you like it....ohh BTW im building a skate park in my back yard that's why im ordering all this

If you're a girl who's really pretty, and older people always tell you you're pretty...?

... and you like two different guys, and when you make yourself look prettier than usual, and the one guy tells you he likes your hair, and the other guy doesn't have to say anything at all to you because you're watching his reaction from the moment he walks into the room and when you look into his eyes you can tell from the way he looks at you that he thinks you look stunningly beautiful, which guy will you fall for?

Immigrate to Canberra,AU?

I've earned myself state nomination for ACT(canberra).I'm into IT but i've come to know that almost all the IT jobs in Canberra are for AU Citizens.I'm very disturbed after listening this as i've made a commitment to live in Canberra for two years. Please anyone from AU or ACT guide.. :-(

Does B.C. Hydro's practice of unannounced meter readings constitute tresp?

How about unlawful search? I can't think of any other service provider, including the local constabulary, whose representatives are allowed to prowl the grounds of a residence at will without having to provide notice or identification. I also observe that after locating and reading the meter, these infections continue to wander the grounds peeking into windows and generally making a nuisance of themselves. Neighboring dogs go simply mad with ill will. Unfortunately, they are tethered and cannot have at 'em.

On what satellite channel can i watch World Cup opening ceremony?

i know ARD ZDF RAI tv's will broadcast all or some of the matches....but will they broadcast the opening ceremony too? what time? thanks

Does anyone know this movie?

"What movie is it where a young Cuban couple is in this older mans apartment. The young man plays a drum and teaches the older man to play. Then the young man gets deported. Maybe not Cuba but some Latin country. His girlfriend was from Africa and sold trinkets in New york. And the older man was a professor from Connecticut" I can expand on this to describe the whole movie but can't remember the title--ahhhhhhh

How do you get married in a Muslim religion? I know the "Sheik" I believed come to the house and what else...?

My boyfriend is muslim, and I am catholic, I been researching how can I marry into with a muslim but I am not converting.I found a lot of information from my religion Catholic, and I still no sure if the priest will agreed marry us. and this is very important for marrying by the catholic religion.We both have to put a lot of effort from each other. we loved each other. now from the Muslim point of view. what does the whole ceremony consist of?, please can somebody give me a few details at least. Thank you in advance please excuse my misspellings

Can you download the new york times on e-readers or an ipod touch?

i'm look for an easier and more portable way of accessing the nyt. the ipod touch might be a possibility because of all the extra features but it might be a bit small compared to the e-readers. Any suggestions would help me as well. thank you

Suggestions for two cute, casual outfits?

Before I answer - what's the weather like where you live? It's spring where I am because I live in the Southern Hemisphere - do you? Or is it autumn where you are? Also - anything you've noticed that's fashionable where you live?

Why is this man untouchable?

No, he isn't untouchable. You just haven't gone to high enough authorities. I suggest you take the matter higher than locally. Contact the Better Business Bureau, Department of Consumer Affairs, the State Attorney, and any other consumer rights advocate. The police sub-station was incorrect. Forgery is indeed a criminal offense. Instead of trying to deal with the police, try contacting the sheriff's department. You might also want to contact the political representatives in your area. Please don't let this person get away with this. Good luck.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Which jacket do you like better?

The second one. The first one is way too puffy and you don't want that. The second one is trendy yet fashionable. Hope this helped!

Plz help me with my mother. i cant stand her **** anymore?

OK so me and my mom don't get along just as all family relationships are. But my mom screams at me all the time. Like today My mom found a Pencil Sharpener that she bought last month. Ok so she found it without the lid thingy. OK and i was the last one to use it. So i accidentally threw it away and my mom started cussing at me and telling me how ungrateful i am and how i'm a lying sac of ****. No matter what happens im the one who gets yelled at. Plz help me. Idk what to do

What is the , average, size of an Americans mans 3rd appendage?

There's not really a good answer. There are have been studies performed that seem to indicate the average size is between 5"-6". However, these studies would only constitute 1,000 to 5,000 men overall. A very small percentage of the global population. I'm more inclined to believe the average is between 4"-6" overall with anything below 4" being below average and anything above 6" being above average. Regardless, there is no entirely accurate information as the amount of study is too sparse.

The girl who can't talk dirty. . . oh, wait, that's me!?

It's personal, I know. I've alo realized that this is a good way to get help, though, so I don't very well mind. Anyway, it's as it says. I can't talk dirty in bed. I always feel stupid and get embarred, which makes me completely clam up. My current boyfriend has mentioned it more than once that I can't, and he does try to get me to in little noticeable nudges, but they don't work. I said something one time, and I've been mortified of it since, and hence never tried again. He doesn't press me, but I'd like to not make him the only vocal one in bed. Can anyone give me any advice on how to talk dirty maybe?

I need some opinions on this matter.... Do you think a 26% overhead would be a small price to pay for the?

reliable transmission of data over the internet? Please explain (this question is regarding FTP Telnet & HTTP)

Melbourne / Victoria What’s going on?

Ravaging fires, earthquakes, water restrictions, City Rail network in crisis, gangland killings, economic downturn, factory shut downs, dole queues lengthening, big wheel not turning. “Victoria the place to be?”, ah… I think not.

Highest Moutains in the World?

Caribbean sea, Eurpoe, Himalayas, North America, Indian Ocean, Australia, Amazon River, Mississippi River, Asia, Alps, Pacific Ocean, Rocky moutains, Appa/ Achain Moutains, Andes. Any of these?

Would you consider it crossdressing if a guy wore woman's jeans because they fit better than men's?

No overtly feminine details, embroidery, flared leg, etc. I have a 29" waist the only men's pants with this waist are in the boys dept. where the style is well young. And they still don't fit well thru the legs and seat.

I dun know if she likes me?

i know this girl in skool from last 4 yrs we started our talk like brothers and sister way but now i have started likin her but dun wanna lose her by proposing to her and i dun if she likes me or not i really luv her plzzzzzzzzzzz help

Will britain become the new pakistan within the next 30 years ?

I work in a area where there is a large number of pakistani`s we all get on well , thing`s get said to each other in a joking kind of way . But yesterday one of them said that the way things are going within the next 30 years english people will be the minority in this country and britain will become the new pakistan ? i have heard rumors that when 1 person go`s to visit pakistan alone ,they take a load of childrens pports with them ,then when they return to briton they bring their relatives children back with them , i have whitnessed this happen at least 3 times in the last 5 years , you see i work for a large taxi company and i am responsible for the booking of the mini buses etc so i know how many people go and how many return so they may be some truth in what they where saying about it becoming the new pakistan ?

Anybody know where I can find a DaVinci Jenny Lind Crib in Blue?

I am looking for a Jenny Lind crib in blue. Color also called Starlight Blue i think. I have checked the obvious like ebay, craigslist,babies r us, nextag, amazon, overstock,, target, bizrate, yahoo shopping. I Googled it too. Anybody know where i can find one or anybody have one? Also If you have the Jenny Lind crib in the color blue can you describe the color?

Is there anyone else out there who primarily likes kids movies?

At least your independent. I love The Brave Little Toaster, it's such a cute movie. I like watching cartoons like Rugrats, Macy, Hey Arnold!, Franklin, Little bear...OMG, too much information. Point is, it doesn't matter what others think about you. Just carry on and ignore what they say. :P

US Military Soldiers getting Arabic Tattoos?

It's been a unofficial tradition for military members in foreign ports to get a tattoo with a design from that culture/country. Sort of like wearing a souvenir/postcard on your body. It's also a reminder of good times or significant event while there.

How common is death by aneurysm?

My best friend's mother just had one tonight and she is in the hospital. I am incredibly worried to death. Do many people make it out alive after having one? All of a sudden she started feeling pain in her head and felt cold, we had to put ice on her head. She was so weak and cold, totally out of it, mumbling random words and screaming helplessly. I need some good information on this, no sugar coated bull ****... Thanks

I ped my piss test because...?

They made me pee when I went to the doctor because I hurt my foot at work. I told the nurse it would be dirty because I tampered with it, so piss on their test it does not judge the quality of my work or personality. I then left the doctor, and the next day I got fired for violating company policy. I should get workman's compensation right?

Is it right that a single mother get paid more to perform less of the same job a single man is igned to do?

Listen I'm not trying to belittle women. I've just noticed a trend and I'm wondering if anyone else has caught on to it too. A lot of men are getting dogged by biased female authorities. Women have obtained their independence and are to be treated equally and fairly in the workplace. What about the men? Why are men expected to break their backs for less pay and then expected to spend their chump change catering to the whims of women for love and affection? Is it fair that a man is to work harder for less pay because he is a man? Is it fair that a man can't make enough money to pursue having a family or let alone to take care of his family? When both men and women are busting their es competing for the "All Mighty Dollar" who is looking out for the kids? You know the saying...You can't have your cake and eat it too? Well, someone please tell me how this is suppose to work for all of us.

What lessons can or may President Bush and his Administration learn from the situation in Iraq?

Never never never fight a politically correct war.Purpose of war is to DESTROY the enemy and then tell the survivors how the new program for their new country will work.Remember Japan and Germany.That's how wars are won.

What does an infantryman do?

on a regular day in garrison. When I ask this all anyone ever types is work, what do you do for work is it like combat scenrios and stuff, or is it just range time?

Is it possible to have a ONE NIGHT TRUCE in the Politics section, like the Christmas Truce of 1914 during WW1?

Truce implies war. This is not a war. It is discussion of various viewpoints on a variety of topics. At worst, it is a debate. If you think it is anything more, then perhaps you should do a little introspection.

Can someone please help me with my banjo?!?

I just took off my newly bought but used banjos strings and I mistakingly took off all my strings at once....well long story short when I put the new ones on they seem tobe really far away from the fretboard ....I really hope someone can help me I spent a lot of time trying to fix this thing up and this is the final parrt....thanks!

How many units of foreign language do I need to transfer to a CSU?

Except for a few degrees [education is one of them still I believe], you must complete the language requirements. However, there is no reason why you can't take them at CSU.

Final year Uni student. Can I claim jobseekers allowance?

I'm a final year University student. I went to my local Jobcentre today to enquire about claiming JSA when I finish in May. The first guy told me I could claim there and then (although I know that's not true because I'm currently a full time student and full time students can't claim JSA!!). Another guy then came over and told me quite sternly I could not claim until September 5th. But after May I am no longer a student! I am fairly certain I have a job lined up for me in August/September, if not I am joining up to do a course in September, but I really will need some money from May until then incase I can't find anything in the meantime! From looking at other websites etc, it seems as though other final year students have been able to claim. Was the guy wrong, or can I really not claim JSA until September?

Would the Croatians be favored the second time around against the Germans if Eduardo were in the line up?

Good point, but I do not think so, the Germans were favored at the beginning of the tournament so I do not think Eduardo can make up for that much

Why Do Females Llike "Moist" Guys Pt.2?

no you got this wrong. my bf has high goals and he fits in the professional category. but im at his level so we both talk about our next goal or what schools are the best etc. but its not like we ALWAYS talk about that. sure we have problems but we focus on other things in our lives. and frankly no girl wants to end up with a low life. so sure player are temporary bfs and pushovers are just annoying. im not like most girls i dont care for romantic gestures. frankly i much rather get a chipotle burrito than flowers or chocolate. and he knows that. and just so you know ive manipulated players so badly they ended up in tears. all you have to do is shut down their ego. i became the player and they ended up with the broken heart. so stop judging all women to be emotionally driven. believe it or not a lot of us end up being independed strong mined women who can turn the cards around.

How long will this trip take?

Ok, im turning 14 on the 4th so on saturday (the 5th) my mom is taking me and a few friends up to l.a. to go to the ripley's believe it or not and the guitar center walk of fame. were probably gonna stop in the store for a bit too seeing as for an early present i got a guitar. so, what i wanna know is how long this whole trip will take. i know that hollywood is 45 min from my house, but approx how much time will i spend the whole day?

Incurable Insomnia? You might have a circadian rhythm disorder!?

Many of you sound like you have delayed sleep phase, impossible to fall asleep until much later than you want to, but if you wait until late, you fall asleep fast and sleep for 8 hours no problem. If routine, relaxing, don't work, please google DSPS! The two main things that have been found to significantly help with DSPS are bright light therapy, use of melatonin as a chronobiotic.